Thursday, July 15, 2010

Homer Alaska
We're still here.... Great views and the resident eagle flies in to our front yard everyday. He is something special to watch.

Taken from the Skyline view. You can see the spit,
This is our home for now. Who could move from this view.

Farmers Market
Fresh peonies and lots of nice produce. We're enjoying.

Another fishing day reaps great rewards.
No comment on the bad hair day but check out the red boots. They've kept my feet dry while fishing and picking up mussels. Who knew 1/2 a bucket of mussels would take hours to clean... They are yummy, though.

We now have 51 lbs of halibut. Neighbors brought us salmon last night so we had what Dick calls his trifecta dinner: salmon, halibut and mussels. The smiles tell it all.

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