Canyonlands National Park
This is Utah's largest National Park. It is a rugged high desert of rock with spectacular formations and gorges carved over the centuries by the Colorado and Greed rivers. Island in the Sky District , in the northern section of the park between the Colorado and Green Rivers, overlooking some 10,000 square miles of rugged wilderness. Thank goodness for the Cairns marking the trails.
Mesa Arch Trail. An interesting walk through an area of pinon, and juniper trees, mountain mahogany, cactus and a plant called MormonTea. The arch is made of Navajo sandstone and hangs precariously on the ridge of a 500 ft cliff, framing a spectacular view of nearby mountains.
Can never get enough views from the arch.
Fencing along the way is made from downed trees.
Dick enjoying the views.
Contemplation rock. I could have sat here for hours enjoying the views.
Grand view trail had some interesting rock formations.
The confluence of the Colorado and Green river are seen in the very distance.
This interesting hike was very quiet. Only about 6 other hikers on the trail.
Even the trees bend to look like arches.
Views were amazing. Miles and miles of this canyon creating gorgeous sights.
Our night time campfire. Quiet times to end our time at Moab.
Full moon coming up over the mountain. We are so fortunate to have had this time in Moab.